Board of Governors

Sri. E. Thomas Jeyapaul, M.A., M.Ed (Trustee, Founder & Chairman)

I have been witnessing the steady growth of this school since then by the grace of the almight.

My experience in Brindavan for 21 years helped me a lot to bring up this with great confidence. Blessings International School (CBSE) was established in 2013.The school keep me busy and active.

Glory to the Lord.

Mohan C. Lazarus


S.P.L. Rajkumar B.A., B.L.


Kiruba Jeyaseelan, M.C.A.,M.Phil., M.Ed.,

Member,Ex. Officio, Principal

Ponni Stephen, B.Sc, M.A., B.Ed.,

Member, Ex. Officio, Headmistress